Castle Project

Kindergarten 9

January 2001- April 2001

I had noticed that the children were building with pillows and the mattress in the classroom. I was wondering what they were building? I also noticed that while they were building, the children were pulling chairs up to the puppet house and creating plays together. I wanted to know if they would like to create a play for their parents as well?

The following day I asked the children if they were interested in making a play for their parents and they were unanimously enthusiastic. I asked the class to think of four elements as we created the story: the setting, the character(s), the problem, and the solution.

To read the group story created please press here

We decided to gather books from the library for help in designing our castle. Here is one drawing of a castle.

After everyone had drawn a castle we voted on one picture and asked parents to help us build our castle. Meanwhile, we played at building castles with blocks and other materials.


The big day arrived and parents came in to build with their child the castle that was going to be used in the play. The structure still remains in the playground for everyone to use.


In the classroom we practiced our lines and developed our costumes and menu for the party.

To read the class play lines please press here

We continued to draw and develop more castles as well. Here are drawings made on the computer using the software program called KidPix.


For a further and more in-depth look at our project you can read the daily documentation as the project emerged and view a KidPix SlideShow of the project.

Daily Documentation