Castle Play

Many children have varying ideas, a puppet show, a farm story, ghosts and cowboys, etc. We voted on 6 different ideas and came up with our story.

The Play as it develops...
One day the princesses (Mary Sue, Karina, Alex, Fernanda, Arantxa, Nora, and Pamela) were playing with the lions (Andres and Mario),the dog (German),and the donkey (Patrick) outside the castle. Along came the bad cowboy (Diego) who took the Princesses with a rope and locked them in the castle because he doesn't like animals. The animals ran away.

The Princesses were stuck and yelling "Help, Help."

Along came the Prince (Ricardo) and the Kings (Juan Pablo, Alan, David, and Misael). The lions (Andres and Mario) came out of the forest because they heard the Princesses yelling. What could they do to save the Princesses?

The Prince, the King, and the lions build a bridge to the door, make a hole in the door, open it, and save the princesses.

Everyone is happy together (minus the cowboy?) and then the cooks (Miss Rocio and Miss Stefanie) serve lunch for everyone.
There was one missing element, though. How do the lions and the Kings/Prince save the Princesses from the castle?

Another day I explained the problem we had and watched as the children discussed how to solve this problem. Some children would explain after listening to one child's idea that it wouldn't work because and he/she would list the reason. It was an excellent way for me to get a window into the child's problem solving abilities and group cooperation skills. I just sat back and listened and at times interjected if I saw a problem and if the conversation lulled. The children heard many different ideas and asked if there could be a vote so that we could come up with one solution. We voted and the story was complete.

Kinder 9 Class Play

Mary Sue- Good Morning, Princesses.
All Princesses- Good Morning.
Karina- Look at the nice lions.
Andres- Good Morning Princesses.

Patrick and German enter

Patrick and German- Good Morning friends.
Fernanda- Uh, oh, here comes the bad cowboy.

Enter Diego

Alex- What are you doing with the rope, cowboy?
Diego- I want to tie you up and put you in the castle.
Arantxa- Why, cowboy? We are all friends.
Diego- No, I don't like animals and you are friends with animals.

Diego ties up Princesses and walks them to the castle.

Andres and Mario together- Let's run and hide!

Lions, dog and donkey run into the forest to hide.

Mary Sue and Alex- Oh no. We are stuck.
Pamela- What are we going to do?
Princesses together- Help, Help, Help!

Kings and Prince enter

Misael- I wonder who is screaming?
David- It sounds like the Princesses.
Juan Pablo and Alan- Hurray, let's go get them.

Prince and King arrive at castle

Pamela, Lisette, Fernanda, and Arantxa- Help us Kings, we are stuck.
Ricardo- What can we do to get the Princesses out?

Lions enter

Juan Pablo and Mario- We have an idea.

Lions and Kings/Prince get together in a huddle and whisper

Juan Pablo- One, two, three.
Princesses together- Hurry, help!

Lions and Kings/Prince enter the castle and in pairs rescue the Princesses.
Mary Sue and Ricardo
Alex and Juan Pablo
Fernanda and Mario
Arantxa and Alan
Karina and David
Pamela and Misael
Andres and Lisette

Lisette and Alex- Thank you for saving us!
Everyone together- Horray!

Enter German and Patrick and Diego

Diego- I am sorry! We are all friends.

Miss Rocio and Miss Stefanie enter

Miss Rocio- Hello everyone.
Miss Stefanie- Lunch is served!

Everyone with partners sits in a circle on the floor and we pass out cookies.

Curtsy when finished!