We are all different

This is a conversation a pre-kinder class had about how it’s nice that each one of us is different.

Teacher: Patty Gutiérrez
Teacher Assistant: Cynthia Gómez

Teacher:  (Showing the faces children made) “What do you
think of your pictures? Are we all the same”?
Children: “NO!”
Sofia:      “They are “chidas”.”
Viviana:  “I think they are pretty.”
Rodrigo:  “They are different.”
Paola:      “That’s the way children are.”
Rodrigo:  “Yes, the boys don’t have long hair and the girls do.”
Isabella:  “The girls can have pony tails, like you.”
Teacher:  “What do you think, are we all the same, or different?”
Children: “Different.”
Paulina:   “Because God wants it like that.”
Sofia:       “Yes, God wanted us to be like that.”
Isabella:  “So we wouldn’t copy each other.”
Paloa:      “So we can have different names.”
Santiago: “We would have the same voice.”
Sofia:       “It would be confusing.”
Santiago: “We would all be Santis.”
Fernanda:“Or Fernandas.”
Santiago: “We would all be twins.”
Hector:    “We would all be grandchildren.”
Teacher:  “So you think we are different?
Children:  “Yes!”
Pedro:      “Because look, all the pictures are different.”
Sofia:       “Because we have different skins,”
Teacher:  “Would you like to be all the same?”
Children:  “NO!”
Teacher:  ”Why?
Fernanda: “If we were the same, we would all wear the same clothes.”
Rafael:     “Our brains would get confused.”
Hector:     “The moms would get confused and wouldn’t know who to take home.”
Fernanda:  “Because there has to be boys and girls.”
Teacher:    “Why?”
Fernanda: “So we can be friends.”
Sofia:        “We have different names, so we can’t be the same.”
Paulina:    “We would all have the same mom and our moms are different too.”
Hector:     “And that mom wouldn’t have food to feed us all.”
Fernanda: “We wouldn’t fit in one bed.”
Sofia:        “The bed would break and we would break our heads.”
Isabella:    “We would break all our bones.”
Rafael:      “We wouldn’t get presents.”
Teacher:   “So what do you think, would you like us all to be the same, or different?
Children:  “Different!”
Paulina:    “If we are different, we don’t get people confused and we don’t get confused either.”
Teacher:   “Is it fun that we are all different?”
Rodrigo:   “Yes, it’s good that we are different.”
Paola:       “I am happy to be different.”
Dario B:   “Me too. “
Hector:     “It’s better if we stay different.”