Group conversation about how we lose our teeth...

Almost all of the children believed that there was something you had to do or get done to you in order for your tooth to become loose and fall out.
David- "I fell and my tooth came out."
Diego- "The Raton hit me in the mouth and it fell out."
Karina- "I was with a friend and he pushed me and I fell and my tooth came out."
Andres- "I was running and I fell down and my tooth came out."
Nora- "I ran into the palm tree and I fell down and my tooth came out."
Fernanda- "I ran into the trunk of the tree and it made my tooth come out."
Lisette- "I was running and I bumped into something and it fell out."
Mary Sue- "I ran into a tree at the park and it made my tooth come out."

Two children believed that your tooth became loose by eating something and that it would fall out by pulling on it.
Juan Pablo- " My tooth comes out on its own. I was eating a lot of candy and it got stuck in my tooth and that made it loose. I pulled and it came out."
Alex- "I was eating corn and my tooth got loose."

At this point in the conversation Alex showed the class that her tooth was loose. We continued the conversation. Meanwhile, Alex was wiggling her tooth free. She exclaimed, "my tooth came out, my tooth came out!" We all stopped. This event had us re-evaluate what makes our teeth come out. The children recognised after a lengthy discussion that your tooth can come out not only when you run into something or someone but by what you eat or even the fact that it is making room for a new one to come in.
Arantxa-" There is a hole in your mouth after a tooth comes out because it is making room for another tooth coming in. Look at Pamela's hole."
Alex- "The hole is in the tooth because that is where the root is."
Andres- "That is where the blood comes into the tooth."
Alex- "And the roots can get something to eat."