The Bugs Project

In February 2001, Miss Juliet's Pre-Kinder 3 class started a project on bugs.

First a list was made of what the children knew about bugs, and the children's work was

compiled to form a class book of their ideas about bugs.

Click on our bugs book to see our ideas about bugs.

Then we went hunting for bugs around the school.

We found lots of "chinche" bugs.

The children made bug models using modeling clay and junk. Some children looked in books to get ideas for their bugs.

The children studied some real (dead) bugs, and drew them.

The teacher recorded the children's comments and conversations while they looked at the bug collection.

Click here to read our comments

We built a worm habitat and collected worms to put in it. The children enjoyed holding the worms carefully in their hands before putting them in the worm habitat.

Some of the boys co-operated to make this long "centipede"with classroom manipulatives.